RRCUS 2013 National Specialty in Topeka, KS

Henry, Rowan, Dexter, Rylee, Rogue, Ayla, Piper, & Foosa attended the RRCUS Nationals this year. The Tifari dogs had a GREAT show  and we brought home a bunch of ribbons and trophies (October 28th-November 2nd)


  • Foosa Double Q'd in Open Preferred Agility and took 1st in both classes for nice trophies.
  • In Veteran Obedience Foosa Q'd
  • Piper and Foosa both Double Q'd in Excellent Rally and Advanced Rally for more RAE legs and Foosa placed 4th in Advanced for a nice trophy.
  • Rogue Placed 4th in American Bred Bitch for a nice trophy
  • Rowan made the Cut in Best of Breed
  • Henry and Rowan both passed their Therapy Dog Certifications
  • Ayla qualified in Beginner Novice Obedience
  • Dexter and Rowan both Qualified in Rally Novice
Ayla topeka Ad Ayla's Ad in the National Catalog


Rogue & Kathy nice Win

Rogue 4th

Rowan and Henry- New therapy dogs
Photo by Lanalee Price
therapy dogs
Ayla in Puppy Sweeps
Photo by Lanalee Priceaylasweeps
Dexter showing off
dexter nationas
Angie showing Rowan in Breed
Rowan in breed
Henry doing Agility @ Topeka
henry agility